Bex and Tano are joined by Kieran Baker (NHS South Yorkshire ICB) and Dr Dr Satya Raghuvanshi (Head of Clinical at AccuRx) to discuss how digital solutions are helping clinicians to careContinue readingHow is Technology Helping General Practice?
Latest Episodes
Five Minute Check-Up: Technology in Primary Care
In our latest five minute check-up, Bex and Tano discuss the growing role technology plays in NHS primary care. In an upcoming episode, we will expand on this topic withContinue readingFive Minute Check-Up: Technology in Primary Care
Five Minute Check-Up: RSV Vaccination
In our latest five minute check-up, Bex and Tano discuss the latest addition to the winter vaccination – the RSV vaccine. What is RSV and why should you consider theContinue readingFive Minute Check-Up: RSV Vaccination
How To Make A Complaint
How do you make a complaint regarding NHS primary care services? And what is the impact when you do? We discuss a range of scenarios and our approach to managingContinue readingHow To Make A Complaint
Five Minute Check-Up: GP Receptionists
A recent online commenter referred to GP receptionists as “the punching bags” of the practice? Ours have been called even worse. But from our perspective, reception is the heart ofContinue readingFive Minute Check-Up: GP Receptionists
How To Get The Most From Your Doctor’s Appointment
Doctor’s appointments can be stressful. You will likely have between ten or fifteen minutes to discuss your problem(s) and potential solutions. That’s a lot less time than you think! BexContinue readingHow To Get The Most From Your Doctor’s Appointment
Five Minute Check-Up: Medication Shortages
Where have all the drugs gone? In our new series of short bonus episodes, Tano and Bex discuss medication shortages. Learn what general practice is doing to make sure patientsContinue readingFive Minute Check-Up: Medication Shortages
Who Might I See And Why? Introducing The General Practice Team
Everyone is familiar with GPs and general practice nurses – but who are all the new faces in primary care? And what do they bring to the table? We introduceContinue readingWho Might I See And Why? Introducing The General Practice Team
What Is Your GP Actually Doing?
A quiet waiting room does not mean your GP is putting their feet up and enjoying an easy day. Face-to-face appointments with patients may be our bread and butter, butContinue readingWhat Is Your GP Actually Doing?
Why Can’t I See My GP?
It’s the number one question we get asked in general practice: Why can’t I see my GP? This is a huge topic and one we’ll be returning to throughout theContinue readingWhy Can’t I See My GP?